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Sarah Pai

Writer and animal rescuer based in Durham, North Carolina.



"Coco The Miracle Rescue Dog" is the inspiring true story of a senior dog and how she is given a second chance with her foster family, the Pai Pack.


Illustrated by Mike Rosado, this children's picture book is written for children aged 4-8 but is meant for readers of all ages.  


Themes include animal rescue, caring for senior pets, and navigating loss and grief.  Children will also learn the importance of kindness and the joy of opening our homes and hearts to animals in need.




Watch the video below to find out more about the inspiration and mission behind this book

Interested in a reading at your school?  Reach out!

Sarah Pai has captured something truly special in "Coco The Miracle Rescue Dog”.  Coco’s journey is a story of kindness, with endearing illustrations that will capture the hearts of older preschoolers through early elementary-aged children and beyond. Younger children will understand the importance of caring for others. As they grow, Coco helps children broaden their understanding of a difficult concept-the circle of life. The story helps build empathy for the elderly in their community-in this case, the wonderful dogs that still have so much love to offer.  Through the Pai Pack, we experience the gift of joy when we open our hearts to helping dogs regain their spark as they live out their best lives.

Dr. Lisa M. Thompson, Career Educator & Consultant Pre K-1

Best Friends Magazine, Oct 2020
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Creative Non-Fiction

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Huff Post 

"Over the years, we have seen the miraculous transformations that can happen when dogs in foster care receive the medical attention and care they need."



Sarah Pai

Dec 29, 2022, 09:00 AM EST



Huff Post 

"It’s expected that we have a father to walk us down the aisle, a mother to be our everything. What about those of us who don’t have these relationships?"



Sarah Pai

Nov 23, 2022, 09:00 AM EST

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© 2023 by Sarah Pai. Created with

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